Ade Armando Beaten During April 11th Demo At DPR, Young NU Leader: Don't Immediately Accuse The Perpetrator Kadrun

JAKARTA - The young Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) figure Ulil Abshar Abdalla strongly condemned a group of people who ganged up on Ade Armando to death. Ade's pants were even taken off in front of the DPR Building on Monday 11 April afternoon.

However, Ulil did not agree with the speed at which the term or labeling "kadrun" was imposed on the perpetrators of the beating of Ade. Ulil's disapproval is not to take partisanship but to the existence of this stamp in Indonesia.

"Besides I condemn the violence against Ade Armando, I also criticize those who immediately call [the perpetrator] "kadrun" as the perpetrator," said Ulil via his Twitter account, @ulil, Monday 11 April.

Ulil thinks it's time to forget the labeling "kadrun" or "tadpole" in the socio-political dynamics. If these two terms are left over from the 2019 Presidential Election, they will brighten up the world of social integration in Indonesia.

"The terms "kadrun" and "cebong" should be thrown away. They only pollute our social atmosphere," he said.

Ade Armando was beaten badly by a group of people during a demonstration by the All-Indonesian Student Executive Board (BEM SI) in front of the Jakarta Parliament Building on Monday, April 11.

The photo obtained by VOI shows Ade without pants with a swollen face, being embraced by the police and entering the gates of the DPR for safekeeping.

Ade came to the front of the DPR Building to support BEM SI's call to reject the postponement of the 2024 General Election. The social media activist and lecturer at the University of Indonesia (UI) was present to mingle with the mass demonstrations.

Ade is known to be a figure who often defends President Joko Widodo. On social media and YouTube channels containing social media activists, Ade has become a figure who supports Jokowi's policies and rejects those who are against the government.