Viral Household Assistants Revealed Child Abuse On Social Media

JAKARTA - The police have arrested the perpetrator of child abuse, whose videos go viral on social media. The perpetrator, named Novia, is known to be a household assistant to the child's parents.

In the video that circulated, the victim had her hands and feet tied, while her face was covered using wallpaper.

West Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Audie Latuhery said, initially the victim's parents, Tjeauw Yannie, did not know that their child was being treated harshly. What's more, Novia has worked for this family for several years, and Yannie never had any suspicions about it.

However, Yannie's trust in Novia changed, when she recruited a new household assistant. This change in attitude occurred when Yannie asked her new household assistant to work hard like Novia.

The new housekeeper even said that Novia often tortured Yannie's son. The torture he saw took place on Monday, January 3. In fact, he showed a video depicting the violence.

"Then he (the new servant) gave the video to the victim's father. That's where they found out that his son was often abused by the perpetrator," said Audie in Jakarta, Wednesday, January 8.

After finding out, Yannie uploaded a video of violence against her child on her personal social media until it finally went viral. In addition, he also reported to the police about this incident.

Meanwhile, Novia, who knew that all her actions had been exposed, immediately left her workplace. However, the police easily arrested him because Novia's identity was already known.

"The perpetrator was successfully arrested in the Duri Kosambi area, Cengkareng, West Jakarta. The person concerned was hiding at his girlfriend's place," said Audie.

After being questioned by the police, Novia admitted that she had committed acts of violence against her employer's children several times. In fact, the violence was also committed against the employer's youngest child.

"He (Novia) often commits (acts of violence) against the employer's children. Even the victim's older brother also experienced acts of violence but was not caught," said Audie.

With the disclosure of all of Novia's lecherous actions, the police charged him with layered articles, namely Articles 44 and 45 of the Republic of Indonesia law number 23 of 2004 concerning the elimination of domestic violence and / or Article 80 of the Republic of Indonesia law number 35 of 2014 amendments to Law of the Republic of Indonesia number 23 of 2002 concerning child protection and / or Article 335 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code.