DKI Jakarta Alerts La Nina, People Asked To Protect Themselves From Rain And Wind

JAKARTA - Through the BPBD of DKI Jakarta Province, the Provincial Government (Pemprov) of DKI Jakarta has asked the public to be aware of the wind rains caused by the La Nina climate anomaly which continues until the end of September.

Acting Chief Executive of the DKI Jakarta Provincial BPBD Sabdi Kurnianto said the early warning from the Climatology, Meteorology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) was conveyed so that the public was more alert and prepared to face weather anomalies.

"We urge the public to be vigilant and protect themselves from the wind," Sabdo was quoted as saying in his written statement, Saturday, October 3.

It should be noted, based on data from the BMKG, until the end of September the developing La Nina climate anomaly had been observed. BMKG and a number of climate service centers such as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) or the American National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, and the Japan Meteorological Agency predict that this anomaly will continue to develop until it reaches La Nina Moderate intensity at the end of the year.

Then this phenomenon will begin to decay in January-February and end around March-April 2021.

La Nina, according to BMKG, can increase the accumulation of monthly rainfall in Indonesia to 40 percent above normal although the impact is not uniform. In October-November, the increase in monthly rainfall due to La Nina can occur in almost all parts of Indonesia, except Sumatra.

The increase in rainfall in line with the onset of the rainy season accompanied by an increase in accumulated rainfall due to La Nina has the potential to trigger hydro-meteorological disasters such as floods and landslides.

So, seeing this condition, Sabdo then asked the sub-district and village heads in DKI Jakarta to anticipate and prepare Public Facilities and Infrastructure Handling Workers (PPSU) and the Flood Task Force (Satgas).

"We have also appealed to the relevant OPDs, Heads of Subdistricts and Lurahs in areas prone to flooding or landslides to participate in anticipating by alerting the PPSU and the Flood Task Force or the District SDA Service. People can contact 112 if they need help," he concluded.