Ade Armando Directly Monitors BEM SI Demo In DPR: Hopefully Not Chaos

JAKARTA - Ade Armando appeared in front of the DPR Building, which is the location of the BEM SI demonstration today. To reporters, Ade Armando admitted that he did not join the students and only monitored the demonstration.

"I did not participate in the demonstration, but I am monitoring it and I want to state that I support it," said Ade Armando when met at the location, Monday, April 11.

Ade admitted that at a young age, he only wanted to support students who wanted to express their freedom of expression. Ade also hoped that this activity would not end in chaos because anarchist groups infiltrated it.

"I'm from the older generation, I want to see no matter how much I support the democratic movement. I hope this movement doesn't become chaotic and anarchic, and especially if the STM children join. But it seems like nothing has happened so far," he said.

On that occasion, Ade admitted that he supported the demands of the students in this action, one of which rejected the extension of the term of office of the President of the Republic of Indonesia and urged the Indonesian Parliament to prevent amendments to the 1945 Constitution.

"I also support this movement because I don't agree with extending the term of office of the president or the president for three terms," he said.

For information, a number of students have gathered in front of the DPR RI Building since 13:45 WIB. They walked away from TVRI, and brought several posters and banners containing their demands for action.