Legal Observer Says There Is No Need For A Demo Discourse On Election Delays

KUPANG - An observer of constitutional law from the University of Nusa Cendana in Kupang, Jhon Tuba Helan, believes that there is no need for public protests regarding the discourse of postponing the 2024 General Election because it will not be realized. the head of his staff to prepare for the 2024 General Election according to schedule," he said when contacted in Kupang, Monday, April 11. and President Joko Widodo has emphasized to his staff not to play with the discourse of postponing the election. This means, he said, the process leading to the 2024 election will continue as it should and there is no alternative discourse to postpone the election or extend the presidential term of office to three terms so there is no need for debate. he, on the other hand, the postponement of the election will not occur because there is no emergency or critical condition so that there is no need for demonstrations that only waste energy. Between.

Helan said, if in the future the discourse of postponing the election is still being carried out by certain politicians, there is no need to respond to various groups of people because it will only make the situation worse. Those who don't want to postpone the election will continue to participate in the 2024 election," he said. Furthermore, he said that if the public, especially intellectuals/students, still wanted to express their aspirations through demonstrations, it would be directed to other matters concerning the public interest and carried out in an orderly manner. do destruction and anarchism because students show more intellect in demonstrations," said the lecturer at the Faculty of Law, University of Nusa Cendana.