House Of Representatives Commission X Leader Reminds Actio Token To Be Marketed Transparently

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission X of the House of Representatives (DPR) Hetifah Sjaifudian appreciated the emergence of the Crypto Actio token which was claimed to advance the Indonesian film industry.

"In principle, I appreciate the ideas, efforts, and breakthroughs that aim to increase the excitement of the creative world in Indonesia. One of them is crypto tokens," said Hetifah to VOI, Monday, April 11.

However, according to her, it is necessary to understand the condition of people's financial literacy which is still low. At the beginning of 2022, said Hetifah, the literacy rate of the Indonesian people was still 38 percent.

"Therefore, I hope that Actio can market its products transparently, both potential benefits and risks to Indonesian creative industry players," said the East Kalimantan legislator.

The Golkar Party politician reminded that the precautionary principle should be put forward in order to benefit the Indonesian film industry.

"With the precautionary principle, the creative industry can optimize profits and avoid long-term losses, " she concluded.

As is known, the Actio Token is a domestically made crypto token. Actio is rumored to be launching on Friday. The token is not intended for personal use but for the common interest of film industry players.

This is different from the tokens created by a number of artists as previously reported. The rise of crypto token creation by artists does not hinder Actio's plans to launch in the near future.

When asked about the passion of the artists who make crypto tokens, senior artist Yati Surachman explained that it is the right of each, even for personal interests.

“In general, what I see from some is their right. Some are for personal interest, even though it (the token price) is like stock fluctuating up and down. So it goes back to each one," said Yati Surachman on April 7, 2022.