Police Investigates Case 3 Medical Personnel Throwing Human Feces In Surabaya

SURABAYA - Surabaya Police is investigating a case related to a health worker who was covered with human waste when picking up a patient. The medical personnel who were victims reported the events they had experienced to the Surabaya Police.

Kasat Reskrim Surabaya Police, AKBP Sudamiran, confirmed a report from a health worker on duty in Surabaya to the Surabaya Police.

"There were 3 health workers covered with human feces while picking up COVID-19 patients," said Sudamiran, confirmed on Friday, October 2 evening.

This report is considered reasonable because medical personnel are in charge of dealing with the spread of COVID-19. "In their personal name they are also disadvantaged," he explained.

The Surabaya Police will process the report by conducting witness examinations.

"Several witnesses cannot be presented yet because we are waiting for the results of the swab test," he said.

Health workers received improper treatment when picking up Covid-19 patients in the Sememi Subdistrict of Surabaya last week.

The patient's family who did not accept his family members was picked up by health workers in hazmat clothes and then smeared human waste on the health workers' bodies.

Head of Public Relations of the Surabaya City Government, Febriadhitya Prajatara, said that the incident took place in the Bandarejo Flat in Surabaya.

"It happened last September 29," said Febri.

The incident occurred when the Surabaya City Government held a swab test in the flat on September 23, 2020 yesterday. Then the results came out 28 September. The puskesmas officer then performs tracing or tracing the patient with the initials Mr X.

"X turns out to have comorbidities, so he has to be taken to a referral hospital, he has to be taken to BDH," said Febri.