West Sulawesi Regional Police Arrest Perpetrators Of Hoarding 6.2 Tons Of Subsidized Diesel

MAMUJU - The Sub-Directorate of Certain Crimes of the Special Criminal Investigation Directorate of the West Sulawesi Police revealed a case of hoarding 6.2 tons of subsidized diesel fuel by arresting three perpetrators.

"The sub-directorate team of the Certain Crimes of Special Criminal Investigation Directorate of the West Sulawesi Police managed to dismantle the diesel hoarding gang by modifying the tank and using jerry cans", said Head of Public Relations of the West Sulawesi Police, Police Commissioner Syamsu Ridwan, in Mamuju, Sunday, April 10.

The arrests, he said, took place in Lombang-lombang Hamlet, Sinyanyai Village, Kalluku District, Mamuju Regency, on Saturday, April 9.

In addition to confiscating evidence of 6.2 tons of subsidized diesel fuel, personnel from the Certain Crimes Sub-Directorate of the Special Criminal Investigation Directorate of the West Sulawesi Police arrested three perpetrators, namely FAP (31), UP (35), and SG (19), all three of whom are residents of Mamuju Regency.

The disclosure of the case of hoarding subsidized diesel fuel, he explained, began when personnel from the Sub-Directorate of Certain Crimes of the Special Criminal Investigation Directorate of the West Sulawesi Police passed in front of the Kalukku gas station on Saturday, April 9 at around 23.00 WITA and saw several people filling fuel using jerry cans and pickup.

Police. he said, then followed the pickup to a house in Lombang-lombang hamlet, suspected of being a shelter.

"When being followed, it turned out that the pickup was headed for a house in Lombang-lombang Hamlet which was used as a storage for diesel fuel", he said, quoted by Antara.

"The three people along with the evidence that was secured in the form of 158 jerry cans containing subsidized diesel fuel, five diesel drums, a pickup truck, and an assembled tank made of iron were immediately secured at the West Sulawesi Regional Police Headquarters for further development", he explained.

The three perpetrators, he said, were threatened with snaring Article 55 of Law No. 22 of 2001 on Oil and Gas with a maximum imprisonment of six years and a fine of up to IDR 60 billion.

"The three of them are still under intensive examination at the West Sulawesi Regional Police Headquarters for the development of further investigations", said Syamsu Ridwan.


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