President Director Of PLN Ensures Optimal Electricity Supply Chain Digital System

JAKARTA - PT PLN (Persero) has made improvements to the digital system for the integrated electrical material supply chain in order to increase the speed and accuracy of service to customers.

Darmawan explained that the digitization of the electricity supply chain is very important for PLN, because the amount of material managed in PLN's warehouses is very large and varied, making it impossible to manage it properly if done manually.

"PLN has a big responsibility to provide excellent service to more than 82 million customers. An integrated electrical material supply chain information system is needed so that every customer request, starting from complaints, new connections, to adding power can be served quickly," said Darmawan when visited the Cikarang City Customer Service Unit (ULP) Warehouse and Bekasi Customer Service Implementation Unit (UP3) Warehouse, quoted on Saturday 9 April.

During the visit, he found that the availability of materials was adequate and that the digital system had been implemented and still needed improvements in various aspects. The movement of materials starting from being received by the Main Unit from the Manufacturer, being distributed to UP3, ULP, to officers in the field has used the Online Warehouse Application and SAP.

However, Darmawan thinks that there is a need for improvement in terms of Fast Moving material because there is a disparity between the amount of stock in the application and the amount of real stock in the warehouse. This has an impact on the inaccurate planning of material procurement.

For example, stock kWh meters for new customer connections or Miniature Circuit Breakers (MCB) needed for additional power. The rate of availability of this material is very fast, sometimes the service unit runs out of stock of the material, this causes the service process to customers to be delayed.

"In the end this has an impact on the service to the community is not optimal," he said.

In addition, Darmawan also found that the materials/assets that had been installed, but for one reason or another had to be returned (return materials), had not been managed through a digital system and were still managed manually.

"Whether the asset can still be used elsewhere (relocation), or has it been damaged but can still be repaired, or it can no longer be used. This also needs to be managed properly through a digital system," he explained.

Darmawan immediately formed the Inventory Management Digitization Task Force Team to be able to immediately resolve the problem. He said there needs to be a day to day review and report so that supervision can be more optimal.

The hope, said Darmawan, is that the entire inventory management business process at PLN's warehouse will be simpler, neater, and more proactive in ensuring material availability and accountability. The entire process can also be monitored starting from the Board of Directors to officers in the field. With this improvement, he believes that services to the community can run better.

"In the future there will be no more stories where customers are not served quickly because of problems in material management," said Darmawan.