Thanks To The Commission's Sirekap Application, The Commission's Work Is Now Easier

JAKARTA - The Recapitulation Information System (Sirekap) in the 2024 General Election is claimed to make the work of officers easier and keep voters' votes from being manipulated. Thanks to this application, the KPU will be able to monitor the election results in real time.

According to the Commissioner of the Indonesian General Elections Commission (KPU), Evi Novida Ginting Manik, the use of Sirekap will be used for the 2024 General Election.

"This Sirekap is a Recapitulation Information System that the KPU has chosen to provide convenience for vote recapitulation officers and as a publication tool for the results of vote counting at polling stations (TPS). The process is fast and accessible to the public, so in addition to facilitating the recapitulation stage, this is also expected to keep the voting results at the polling station the same," said Evi, quoted from Antara.

He stated this when he was a resource person in the Indonesian KPU Podcast entitled "Prepare Sirekap for the 2024 Election" which was broadcast on the KPU RI Youtube channel, as monitored in Jakarta, Saturday, April 9.

Evi said that so far there have been many copies of the vote count results that the Voting Organizing Group (KPPS) had to prepare after the vote count. "That also makes them tired in completing their tasks," he said.

With the use of Sirekap, according to Evi, these copies can be converted into digital form, so that it will ease the workload of KPPS officers.

Evi also explained that Sirekap consists of Mobile Sirekap and Web Sirekap. Through Sirekap Mobile, the KPU will provide an account to one of the KPPS officers.

After counting the votes, the KPPS officers will manually pour the results into C Plano. Then, photographed and put into Sirekap Mobile.

“If the photo is not good enough, it can still be repeated five to seven times. To ensure that the data was the same between what was written and photographed, this was witnessed by all witnesses at the TPS. After being declared suitable, it is sent to the KPU server and everything is automatically published in the election information and entered into the Sirekap Web, "said Evi.

Furthermore, Web Sirekap is used by the District Election Committee (PPK) of the regency/city and provincial KPU in stages.

“That will be used next for the vote recapitulation. So, the data that we produce from Sirekap is the original data from C Plano which was first used when counting the votes. Thus, there is no repetition. Immediately photographed, sent, and published," said Evi.