Indonesia Has Ambitious Target: 2025 Renewable Energy Sources Must Reach 23 Percent

JAKARTA - The government through the Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto emphasized that Indonesia has a strong commitment to tackle climate change by targeting 23 percent of total national energy sources to come from renewable sources by 2025.

According to Airlangga, RI's steps are already on the right track to make this happen. He claimed that the government had succeeded in reducing carbon emissions at power plants by up to 10.37 million tons throughout 2021.

"This amount is more than double the reduction target," he said in an official statement, Friday, April 8.

Airlangga added that the maximum achievement of new and renewable energy must also be supported by the national private sector and the global community. For this reason, he welcomes South Korea RE-Invest Indonesia 2022 as a real effort in creating green economic activities in the country.

"Such global support, including financing and technology transfer, is needed from developed countries like South Korea," he said.

Airlangga revealed that the collaboration with the East Asian countries would further smooth out RI's plans to reach out in the next three years.

"Especially in developing new and renewable energy that can support the achievement of the 23 percent target," he stressed.

For information, Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation states that in creating an easy business ecosystem, but not forgetting standards, the value of safety and security, and environmental sustainability must be a top priority.

In addition, the government has also established the Indonesia Investment Authority (INA) which can provide alternative investment facilities for the development of a green economy.

“We must try to balance the future increase in energy demand with carbon reduction commitments. For this reason, the development of new and renewable energy is very important," said Airlangga.

Furthermore, the government will also implement a carbon price policy in the form of a carbon cap and trade, as well as a carbon tax scheme in 2023 through emission restrictions in certain sectors.

"We hope that this policy can provide benefits for the industry to convert its energy into renewable sources," concluded Coordinating Minister Airlangga.