This Member Of The Lebak DPRD F-PPP Asks Students To Stop Jokowi's Demo, Suggests The President Dare To Remove Ministers Who Continue To Make Noise For 3 Periods

LEBAK - Member of DPRD Lebak Regency, Banten Province Musa Weliansyah asked students to stop demonstrations. The reason is that the government through the Chairman of the Presidential Advisory Council, General TNI (Purn) Wiranto, has confirmed that there will be no extension of the presidential term for three terms.

"We hope that students from various Student Executive Boards (BEM) throughout Indonesia can stop their rejection of the three-term presidential extension or postponement of the 2024 election," said Musa in Lebak, as reported by Antara, Friday, April 8.

The government has responded to student demands by refusing to extend the presidential term for three terms and postpone the 2024 election.

Elections according to the constitution will be held in 2024 and there will be no delay. Therefore, his party invites students to accept it and not hold demonstrations on April 11, 2022.

"We ask that students as intellectuals as well as educated groups can accept it, because the government's answer is quite clear in rejecting the postponement of the 2024 election and the extension of three presidential terms," said the head of the PPP faction of the Lebak DPRD.

According to Musa, President Joko Widodo's answer was clear and unequivocal in stating that there would be no extension of three terms or postponement of the 2024 election.

Thus, his party asked that the issue not be exaggerated and not to be carried over by other interests.

Students are allowed to take part in demonstrations because they are protected by law. However, if the demands have been answered clearly, Musa continued, the action must be stopped.

"If students continue to take action with the same problem, of course the government must conduct an investigation into the action, making sure the elites are carrying it for the sake of the election," he added.

Musa said President Jokowi must also act decisively and process the law if there are ministers or party elites who again talk about an extension of three periods and a postponement of the 2024 election, because it causes chaos and unrest.

"I think the President should immediately remove his ministers if he is discussing a three-term extension, because it is a violation of the law," he said.