198,624 People In South Sumatra's OKU District Have Received The Complete COVID-19 Vaccine

OKU - The Health Office (Dinkes) Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) of South Sumatra reported a total of 198,624 people who had received the first and second doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Acting Head of the OKU Health Office Andi Prapto said the coverage of the vaccination program in the area so far has reached 91.20 percent for the first dose and 73.58 percent for the second dose of 269,955 targets.

"This achievement exceeds the national target set by the central government, which is 70 percent for each region," he said in Baturaja, Friday, April 8, quoted from Antara.

This is inseparable from the hard work of all relevant parties, such as the OKU Police, Kodim 0403 to the South Sumatra Regional BIN who contributed to the success of vaccination at OKU.

In fact, they work hard to get residents to be vaccinated by picking up the ball to the villages in order to achieve the targets set by the government.

However, Andi admits that the coverage of booster vaccines in the area is still relatively low, which is only 5.4 percent of the target.

Therefore, the local government is currently pushing booster vaccinations through efforts to pick up the ball to villages so that it is easier for people to get the COVID-19 vaccine to prevent the spread of the Corona virus.

Moreover, this year's Ramadan momentum is believed to increase public interest in being vaccinated, considering that booster vaccines are a requirement for Lebaran travelers.

"At the beginning of Ramadan, the demand for booster vaccines had increased, but unfortunately the vaccine stock at OKU ran out. Now we have submitted an addition to the provincial government and hopefully it will be distributed soon," he said.