"The Work Of The Indonesian Ulema Mafia (MUI), Halal Ashtray", Check The Truth

JAKARTA - Burisrowo's Facebook account has uploaded an ashtray labeled halal. In his upload, he called MUI the Indonesian Ulama Mafia and uploaded an ashtray photo labeled halal.

In the upload, a narrative is given: "The Indonesian Ulama Mafia is doing nothing. Shame on Islam .. looking for money until this much huh ??? I'm waiting for the halal label on Santa's hat ... "

On the uploaded photo of the ashtray labeled halal, there is a narration that reads “Smoking is HARAM but the ashtray is HALAL. Especially if you eat it with soy sauce. It's delicious ”.

Screenshot from the turnbackhoax.id site

Launching from turnbackhoax.id, based on search results, the claim that the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) gave a halal fatwa for an ashtray is a false claim. In fact, the MUI has never issued a halal fatwa for the ashtray.

Reported by Liputan6.com, Secretary of the Fatwa Commission of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Asrorun Niam Sholeh explained that his party had never given a halal fatwa for the ashtray. Asrorum said the information circulating was hoax.

"Hoaks" said Asrorun when talking with Liputan6.com, Wednesday, September 23.

The same thing was expressed by the Executive Director of the Halal Advocacy Institute or Indonesia Halal Watch, Ikhsan Abdullah, in his view that an ashtray does not require halal certification. "That may be for attraction, actually an ashtray does not need a halal certification, a cigarette that is contained in an ashtray cannot be halal," he said.