The Ministry Of Manpower Gives Sanctions If There Are Companies Paying THR Not In Accordance With The Provisions

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Manpower (Kemenaker) warns of sanctions for entrepreneurs who do not pay the 2022 holiday allowance (THR) in accordance with statutory provisions, including termination of business activities.

Director-General of Labor Supervision, Occupational Safety, and Health (Binwasnaker and K3) Haiyani Rumondang said in accordance with PP No. 36 of 2021 concerning Wages, administrative sanctions will be imposed for those who do not pay THR according to the provisions.

"What must be done in stages. The first is a written warning, then restrictions on business activities, temporary suspension, part or all of production equipment. This will lead to freezing of business activities," he said in a virtual press conference on THR, in Jakarta, Friday, April 8.

He explained that the sanctions would be implemented in stages. A written warning will be given when the entrepreneur is proven to have violated the THR payment that is not in accordance with the provisions.

After that, it is continued with the limitation of business activities for a certain period and the temporary suspension of production equipment.

"After that, the business activities will be frozen. Here are some of the elaborations of the sanctions. The point is that the labor inspector will carry out a process, so there is a process flow," he said.

The Ministry of Manpower has also established the 2022 THR Command Post which can be accessed virtually to accommodate complaints from workers and employers regarding THR payments this year.

The Minister of Manpower (Menaker) Ida Fauziyah previously signed Circular Letter Number M/1/HK.04/IV/2022 concerning the Implementation of the Granting of Religious THR in 2022 for Workers/Labourers in Companies on April 6, 2022.

In it, it is written that this year's THR must be paid in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations. Including THR payments must be made no later than seven days before religious holidays.