Detachment 88 Explains The Roles Of Five High-ranking Terrorist NII Tangsel

JAKARTA - Densus 88 Anti-terror mentions that the five terrorist suspects arrested in South Tangerang are members of the Indonesian Islamic State (NII) network. They are also known to the network officials.

The terrorist suspects had the initials SA, SO, TA, MH, and AHA alias Y.

"For SO as the chairman of South Tangerang," said the Head of the Operational Assistance of the Special Detachment 88 Anti-terror Police Kombes Aswin Siregar in his statement, Friday, April 8.

From the results of the examination, SO had time to go to West Sumatra (West Sumatra) and met with the nearby NII group. The meeting was attended by 250 people and took place in Sawahlunto.

Then the SA suspect is said to be acting as an NII account holder. Because, based on the investigation, he received Rp119,539,000 from other terrorist suspects.

For the third terrorist with the initials MH. He is a secretary at NII in the South Tangerang area. In addition, he also acts as the IT team in the group.

"Sending materials from the center related to directives via email," he explained.

Aswin continued, the suspect TA had a role in going directly to West Sumatra with the suspect AHA and 5 other people. The goal is to open a pilot area.

"The AHA suspect is a secretary and has been promoted to Chairman of the NII in the Tangerang City area," said Aswin.

Previously, Densus 88 Anti-terror arrested 5 terrorism suspects in the South Tangerang area. They are a network of the Islamic State of Indonesia (NII).

"The arrests are for 5 terrorist suspects who are members of the NII terrorist network," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramdhan.

These terrorists were arrested on Sunday, April 3. Their arrest is an extension of the arrest of 16 terrorists in West Sumatra (Sumbar).