Elementary School Student Almost Becomes Kidnapped Victim

JEMBRANA - The Jembrana City Police Team, Bali is investigating a case report of the alleged kidnapping of an elementary school student with the initials IBM. The victim was almost kidnapped near his home.

"The Police Criminal Investigation Unit is still in the process of being investigated," said Jembrana City Police Chief Iptu I Putu Budi Santika, Thursday, April 7.

The alleged kidnapping was reported by the victim's father, Ida Bagus Putu Juni Arta, to the Jembrana City Police. The kidnapping attempt occurred Tuesday, April 5 at noon.

The victim, who had just returned from school, was said to have stopped by the shop where her mother was selling. The victim was asked to buy ice not far from the shop.

While on his way home, the victim was hit by a motorbike with two people riding in a car. The man in black, who was riding in a car, descended towards the victim.

At that time, there were residents who saw. The perpetrator turned the direction of the motorbike and hit the ground and then stepped on the gas. Regarding this case, the police asked residents not to panic but to remain vigilant.

"We are socializing for residents not to panic and increasing vigilance, especially to parents and the school," he said.