KSP Emphasizes Providing BLT Cooking Oil For Underprivileged Citizens

JAKARTA - The Presidential Staff Office (KSP) explained the provision of direct cash assistance (BLT) for cooking oil worth Rp. 100,000 per month so that the poor could afford to buy bulk cooking oil on the market. Deputy II KSP Abetnego Tarigan in a press release in Jakarta, Thursday, said that based on the fact that he encountered in the field, there are still people who have to buy bulk cooking oil prices above the Highest Retail Price (HET) of Rp. 14 thousand per liter. But there are still people who have to buy above HET. For this reason, BLT is given so that the poor can afford to buy bulk cooking oil," said Abetnego, Thursday, April 7. IDR 100,000 per month for each Beneficiary Family (KPM). BLT is given for the period of April, May, June, but the payment is made at once in April 2022 of Rp. 300 thousand. BLT of cooking oil is given to 23 million people. In detail, 20.5 million families are included in the list of recipients of Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT) and the Family Hope Program (PKH), as well as 2.5 million street vendors (PKL). Abetnego explained that the distribution of BLT cooking oil will be done through PT Pos. Indonesia. For recipient data, it will refer to the Social Welfare Integrated Data (DTKS) of the Ministry of Social Affairs, which has been verified and synchronized with the Population Identification Number (NIK).

Abetnego added, in addition to cooking oil BLT, this year the government will also provide Wage Subsidy Assistance (BSU) worth Rp. 1 million for workers with salaries below Rp. 3 million. The assistance was given to 8.8 million workers.

Then, the government is also preparing a mechanism for distributing Presidential Assistance for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (Banpres UMKM) worth IDR 600 thousand per recipient.

"This is a form of the government's partisanship to ease the burden on the people who are affected by the increase in the prices of various commodities due to the surge in the international market, and KSP will go to the field to oversee the implementation of these various social assistance programs," he said.