For The First Time, The Original Son Of Kutai Has Become A High-ranking TNI AD Officer, His Name Is Brigadier General Dendi Suryadi

JAKARTA - KSAD General TNI Dudung Abdurachman, led the report on the 19th rank promotion corps of Pati TNI AD in the GPH Hall. Jatikusumo, Army Headquarters (Mabesad), Wednesday 6 April.

General Dudung congratulated Maj. Gen. Darmono Susastro, as the Assistant to the KSAD Personnel and 18 high-ranking TNI AD officers, for being promoted to one level higher than their original rank. Including the wives who have faithfully accompanied their husbands to reach this position.

"The husband's success cannot be separated from the prayers and support given by his wife and family. The promotion is a form of appreciation and respect for achievements and dedication in carrying out every task as well as a mandate from God Almighty that must be grateful for and accounted for," said the Army Chief of Staff in the Dispenad release. .

General Dudung advised that what was obtained at this time did not make the officers complacent. But it is increasing the quality and capacity of the best service to the nation and state.

"The promotion should be handled with gratitude, humility, wisdom and wisdom and always ask for the blessing of God Almighty, so that he is given the strength and ability to be able to account for the mandate and trust as well as possible," explained the Army Chief of Staff.

The interesting thing about this Pati Rank promotion report is the promotion of Brigadier General Dendi Suryadi. He is a native of the Kutai area who first held the rank of High Officer. Brigadier General Dendi Suryadi was born in Tenggarong on September 10, 1968, graduated from the Military Academy in 1993.

He has carried out various assignments in the Army Environment. Started his military career in Battalion 512/DY as Platoon Commander and Company Commander, as well as other positions as Dandim 0906/Kutai Kartanegara, Commander Rindam II/Sriwijaya and Chief of Staff of Korem 043/Garuda Hitam.

“Thank you for the trust and trust given to us, as a native son from Kutai, the promotion to become a high-ranking officer is an honor and pride for me and my family. Hopefully we are trustworthy in carrying out this task, and God Almighty always provides convenience and guidance for us," said Brigadier General Dendi.