Depok Health Office Confirms That The COVID-19 Vaccine Injecting Will Not Cancel Ramadan Fasting

DEPOK - Depok City Health Office (Dinkes) West Java confirmed that the COVID-19 vaccine did not cancel the 2022 Ramadan fast. This refers to the fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Number 13 of 2021 concerning the Law on COVID-19 Vaccination while fasting.
Head of Depok City Health Office, Mary Liziawati, revealed that even though she was fasting, vaccinations were still given according to schedule. It is one of the efforts to establish herd immunity.
"Vaccination services continue to run even in the month of Ramadan, because they do not break the fast," she said, quoted from Antara.
There are several explanations in the MUI Fatwa, namely the vaccination process can be carried out during the day when Muslims are fasting.
Then, vaccination is still carried out for the general public, either in doses of 1, 2, or booster. Then, before vaccination in the fasting month, it is necessary to have adequate rest and suhoor by eating a balanced nutritious diet.
"It was also conveyed to continue to carry out health protocols during the implementation of the Covid-19 vaccination," she said.
Meanwhile, to maintain fitness, the Depok City Health Office (Dinkes) shared tips to stay in shape while undergoing Ramadan fasting in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. One of them is by eating a balanced diet.
"Eating nutritious food is very important to build a strong immune system to protect against viral infections and provide extra protection for the body," said Mary.
Mary said to stay fit while fasting during the pandemic as well as doing sports or physical activity. In exercising, you can choose the right time so you don't get tired and don't break your fast.
Then, carry out mandatory or sunnah worship by implementing 3M, namely wearing masks, washing hands, and maintaining distance. Then, when suhoor and iftar are safe and comfortable with family at home.