Pekanbaru Social Service Arrests 32 Beggars On Diponegoro Street

PEKANBARU - Pekanbaru City Social Service (Dinsos), Riau Province netted 32 beggars on Jalan Diponegoro, Sail District, as an effort to enforce Pekanbaru City Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 12 of 2008 concerning Social Order. increasing efforts to control and continuously monitor social welfare," said Pekanbaru City Social Service Head Idrus in Pekanbaru, Wednesday, April 6. in the community in an orderly, orderly, comfortable, and peaceful manner. Even though a local regulation is in place, he said, beggars are still found hanging around in public places in Pekanbaru City, while recently it has become increasingly crowded in the Jalan Diponegoro area, Sail District. They wait for donations from residents every Friday, even during Ramadan it gets more crowded, especially in the afternoon or before breaking the fast. "Previously, related to the Friday blessing activities, many rich people passed there and distributed aid, and now there are more and more beggars waiting for help. donations there," he said as quoted by Antara. Idrus said the 32 beggars who had been detained were asked to sign a statement that they would no longer beg on the streets. , such as the National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas). "Don't give donations on the side of the road, if we agree to no longer share on the roadside, of course there will be no more begging on the road," he said.