Wanting Cooperatives And MSMEs To Become Main Players In Digital Trade, Minister Teten Strengthens Seven Strategic Sectors
JAKARTA - Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs (MenKopUKM) Teten Masduki said, in accordance with the direction of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), that the acceleration of the digital transformation of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) must be carried out immediately. Where cooperatives and MSMEs must become players in digital trade in the country.
As is known, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is targeting 20 million MSMEs to enter the digital ecosystem this year and 30 million digital onboarding MSMEs in 2023.
"Cooperatives and MSMEs must be the main players in digital trade. KUMKM products must flood domestic e-commerce. This also requires a commitment from e-commerce. Because all benefit, no one is harmed," he said, in a statement. written, Tuesday, April 5th.
Furthermore, Teten said that in accelerating the target for MSEs to go digital, it is also necessary to improve quality, competitiveness, product supply chain access and access to capital with an innovative and technological approach for Cooperatives and MSMEs. Then there must also be an increase in the quality of MSME human resources, in an effort to grow young and new entrepreneurs who are productive, creative and ready to compete in the global market.
Teten said there are seven strategic or priority group sectors to be targeted in an effort to accelerate the digital transformation of MSMEs, namely food, beverages, fashion, farmers, street vendors, fishermen, stalls and Islamic boarding schools.
Meanwhile, the seven priority aspects of the development of the digitalization of MSMEs are digitizing market access, digitizing production quality monitoring, digitizing finance and access to financing, digitizing organizational management, digitizing to increase production capacity, digitizing to access suppliers or suppliers, and digitizing distribution.
"At least 17.59 million MSMEs are present on the digital marketplace or e-commerce platform. This figure represents 27 percent of the total MSME population, 58 percent of the target of 30 million MSMEs onboard the digital ecosystem," he said.
According to Teten, digital transformation is not just presenting MSMEs on a digital platform. The digital transformation of MSMEs is a holistic endeavor, not only in the marketing aspect, but also in building an ecosystem that includes business processes from upstream to downstream.
"Development of a digital ecosystem for MSMEs includes upstream to downstream business processes being a variable ensuring the digital economy potential of Rp. 4,531 trillion in 2030, can be fully utilized by MSME actors and the Indonesian people," he explained.
Teten also emphasized that e-commerce could be the gateway to a complete digital transformation. Because most e-commerce has become super-apps that already have a variety of digital services on one platform.
"This opens up opportunities for e-commerce to also be present as an aggregator, as well as a locomotive for the digital transformation of Indonesian MSMEs," he said.
According to Teten, the key to the success of MSME digital transformation is cross-stakeholder collaboration. Starting from human resource development, financing, business process improvement, production, to marketing and distribution.
Meanwhile, Deputy Minister of Trade Jerry Sambuaga said that there must be an affirmative policy for local products to be present in e-commerce. Together monitoring e-commerce provides space and opportunity for Indonesian products.
"If it violates, of course there must be an evaluation. Because President Jokowi has given directions to support MSMEs. We are ready to facilitate this," said Jerry.