Questioning Apdesi To Tito Karnavian, PDIP Legislator: It's The Ministry Of Home Affairs' Obligation To Supervise, Village Heads Can't Play Practical Politics

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission II DPR Junimart Girsang questioned the Indonesian Village Government Association (Apdesi) to the Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian. According to him, Apdesi violated Law Number 17 of 2013 regarding Community Organizations (Ormas) because it supported an extension of the term of office, in this case declaring Jokowi for 3 terms.

"Mr Minister, I want to ask about Law 17 of 2013, concerning mass organizations. Of course these mass organizations are under the supervision and guidance of the Ministry of Home Affairs. laws and regulations number 17 of 2013," said Junimart during a working meeting with the Minister of Home Affairs at the DPR building, Tuesday, April 5.

In fact, continued Junimart, it is the obligation of the Ministry of Home Affairs to foster, supervise and foster mass organizations.

"Including the latter, if we still remember very well about Apdesi. The law on Ormas and the law on Village Administration, it is clear that village heads cannot play practical politics," said Junimart.

The PDIP politician considered that the village heads and apparatus should have understood the Village Government Law. So, the name can not be supported politically.

Then, there are two Apdesi registered with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights and the Ministry of Home Affairs. According to Junimart, the Ministry of Home Affairs should give Apdesi a warning so as not to become a new source of noise.

"It says some are legal and some are not legal, some are even legitimate. The Ministry of Home Affairs should neutralize and immediately reprimand Apdesi in a clear light, so it doesn't become a wild ball in the mass media, so as not to confuse the public," said the PDIP legislator for the Sumatran constituency. North of it.

"So our suggestion is that the Ministry of Home Affairs should take a position as a supervisor for all mass organizations in Indonesia," said Junimart.