Divorce Can Be Prevented By Strengthening Marriage Ties, How?

JAKARTA - It takes a strong effort to protect, maintain, and maintain the marriage bond so that it remains harmonious and lasting. Unfortunately, busy taking care of children, taking care of the house, to work, sometimes makes couples forget this. So that when problems arise, divorce is the easiest way out to resolve cases.

Indeed, not all couples think of ending their marriage when the household is hit by a test. There are also those who choose to find the best solution as long as the marriage can be saved. If you want to stay with your partner and avoid divorce, there are proactive steps you can take.

From improving communication to instilling a lot of romance into everyday life, here are five ways to improve your marital relationship with your partner.

Committed to relationship

Playing around with thinking that it's better to be alone than married can put a lot of stress on your relationship. Such thinking can lead to a loss of motivation to repair the marriage.

Keep in mind that divorce is not an option. Make a commitment to marrying once in a lifetime so you can focus on strengthening the bond of marriage instead of thinking about the thrills of post-divorce life.

Remember good things from your partner

Humans definitely change over time. Understanding, appreciating, and adapting to change is very important in any relationship. Start by making a list of the good things your partner has so you can change your mind. This activity will also help you remember why you fell in love with your partner.

Keep in touch

Communicating openly with your partner about whatever you feel is the best way to foster intimacy in a relationship. It's also important that you listen to your partner speak their mind. Try to set aside 30 minutes each day to communicate freely without distractions.

Give each other space

One of the hardest things to balance in a marriage is dividing up time to spend with your partner and yourself. Spending too much time together can feel like suffocating, while too little can be interpreted as inattentive.

When your partner needs space alone or wants to spend time with friends, provide support. The key is to make a concerted effort to spend time together, while also making room for each other to be alone.

Set date time

Another way to keep the fire of romance burning in a marriage is to do romantic things every now and then. Try making time for a date night every week, even if it's just to buy ice cream or cook a new recipe together.

Easy to forgive

Marriages fall apart easily when one holds a grudge. Research shows that holding a grudge against your partner for a long time can lead to divorce if it is never resolved.

Practice forgiving your partner as soon as possible. Remember, forgiveness is a gift you give yourself. Holding a grudge can be mentally and emotionally damaging, and can take a toll on your health and increase your stress levels.