Fulfilling Needs, PMI Invites Non-Muslims To Donate Blood During Ramadan

CIANJUR - The Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) in Cianjur, West Java, invites non-Muslims to donate blood during the fasting month to fulfill blood stocks.

Deputy Director of the Blood Transfusion Unit (UTD) of PMI Cianjur dr. Susilawati in Cianjur, Monday, said that with each month of fasting, the blood stock they have decreases sharply, while the demand for each hospital remains high at 1,500 bags per month.

"Before the fasting month, we intensified mobile unit activities to donor groups, but when we entered fasting we couldn't do it, so our appeal is to intensify our appeal to non-Muslim donor groups so that they can help provide blood during fasting," he said.

Even though Muslims who fast, he said, can still donate blood after breaking their fast, the number has decreased sharply and will increase again after Eid as in previous years. To boost stock during fasting, his party also relies on assistance from local governments.

"The Regent of Cianjur has issued an appeal letter for all parties including ASN in Cianjur to routinely assist PMI Cianjur in meeting the needs of blood stocks, especially during the fasting month. Hopefully the appeal letter can be followed up by employees from each service with donors," he said.

To cover the sudden needs of patients during the fasting month, he said, his party could only rely on donors from families who were asked to come directly to UTD. "Before fasting was the same, we relied on substitute donors from the patient's family," he said.

Cianjur Regent Herman Suherman said his party had asked non-Muslim residents to donate blood to help the need for blood stock at UTD PMI Cianjur, which often had stock shortages because many donors were fasting, through circulars and appeals.

"We hope that during the fasting month, non-Muslims will become PMI's mainstay to get blood stocks, although I have also issued an appeal for ASN to donate blood during fasting, after breaking fast or after tarawih," he said.

Even in the appeal letter, ASN is asked to help secure blood stocks during fasting, by donating blood at night so as not to interfere with fasting worship activities. "We hope that even though it is an appeal, it can be carried out by all ASN and various groups in Cianjur," he said.