Women's Indoor Volleyball National Team SEA Games Hanoi Starting April 11, PBVSI Has Heavy Penalties For Players Who Are Absent

JAKARTA - The All-Indonesian Volleyball Association (PBVSI) has announced 12 female players who will take part in the 2021 SEA Games national training center (pelatnas) in Hanoi. The training schedule has been set.

The players are expected to have entered the Police General Kunarto Volleyball Padepokan, Sentul, Bogor, April 11. This is stated in the summons for players sent by PBVSI.

For those who are absent, must be prepared to accept severe consequences. The letter, which was signed by the Secretary General of PBVSI, Yudi Susharyanto, stated the rules regarding players who did not attend the call for the national team.

For those who are absent by failing to fulfill the call for training without a proper reason, they will be subject to a sanction not being allowed to participate in national events held by PBVSI for a period of 2 years.

As is known, the women's volleyball national team for the 2021 SEA Games will be coached by Risco Herlambang. He will be accompanied by M. Alim Suseno, Pedro B. Lilipaly, and Rastoni.

The following is a list of the 12 women's volleyball players prepared for the 2021 SEA Games Hanoi:

Amalia Fajrina Arsela Nuari Purnama Megawati Hangestri Pertiwi Nandita Ayu Salsabila Ratri Wulandari Shella Bernadetha Onnan Tisya Amalya Putri Wilda Siti Nurfadillah Sugandi Yolana Betha Pangestika Yolla Yolanna Ditta Azizah Shintia Alliva Maulidina Risco Herlambang (Head Coach) Alim Assistant Coach (Assistant Coach) Pedro Lili ) Rastoni (Assistant coach)