Kalideres Terminal Will Socialize The Prohibition Of Eating On The Bus During Travel, Including When Homecoming

JAKARTA - Head of Kalideres Terminal, West Jakarta, Revi Zulkarnaen, appealed to bus passengers not to eat while on the bus.

This is in accordance with Circular Number 16 of 2022 concerning Provisions for Travel of Domestic People During the 2019 Corona Virus Disease Pandemic.

"We will urge the passengers not to eat on the bus during the trip. The appeal can be through loudspeakers and the officer's advice," said Revi, quoted by Antara, Monday, April 4.

Revi emphasized that the regulation only regulates passengers not to eat on the bus, but it is certain that people can still eat at the terminal location.

According to Revi, the regulation was issued to minimize the possibility of the spread of COVID-19 on the bus.

"We will also cooperate with the PO bus to participate in urging passengers not to eat on the bus," said Revi.

Revi admitted that the central government had just issued the regulation regarding the anticipation of COVID-19, while the Ministry of Transportation had not yet issued a regulation regarding the ban on eating in the vehicle.

"So far we are still relying on the previous rules. We are still waiting for the rules from the Ministry of Transportation because that is our reference," said Revi.

The Task Force forbade passengers on land and air travel to talk or chat. Regarding eating and drinking, it is prohibited for passengers to travel less than 2 hours.

This rule is stated in Circular Letter Number 16 of 2022 regarding the provisions for travel for domestic people during the COVID-19 pandemic. The SE of the COVID-19 Task Force was signed by the Head of BNPB / Head of the COVID-19 Task Force Lt. Gen. Suharyanto on April 2.

The matter of eating, drinking or chatting is regulated in the provisions of letter F regarding protocol. The provision for letter F in the SE COVID-19 Task Force contains the obligations of domestic travelers to maintain health protocols (prokes).

In the explanation of the provisions, travelers are required to wear masks, maintain a minimum distance of 1.5 meters and avoid crowds.

"It is not allowed to speak one way or two ways by telephone or in person throughout the trip using public transportation modes of land, rail, sea, river, lake, ferry and air," reads the provision of letter e in point 2 related to the protocol.

As for eating and drinking, the SE Task Force for COVID-19 clearly states that it is strictly prohibited for passengers on flights that have a travel time of less than 2 hours.

"It is not allowed to eat and drink during the flight journey for a trip that is less than 2 hours, except for individuals who are obliged to take drugs for treatment which if not done can endanger the safety and health of the person," reads letter f in point 2 regarding the protocol. . (Full rules can be checked at this link)