Controversy Of Homecoming Conditions, Can't Chat And Can't Eat/Drink, Check The Rules Here

JAKARTA - There is currently a lot of attention regarding domestic travel requirements, including homecoming, which has just been issued by the COVID-19 Handling Task Force. The Task Force forbade passengers on land and air travel to talk or chat. Regarding eating and drinking, it is prohibited for passengers traveling less than 2 hours.

This rule is stated in Circular Letter Number 16 of 2022 regarding the provisions for travel for domestic people during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Circular of the COVID-19 Task Force was signed by the Head of BNPB/Head of the COVID-19 Task Force Lt. Gen. Suharyanto on April 2.

The matter of eating, drinking, or chatting is regulated in the provisions of letter F regarding protocol. The provision for letter F in the SE COVID-19 Task Force contains the obligations of domestic travelers to maintain health protocols (prokes).

In the explanation of the provisions, travelers are required to wear masks, maintain a minimum distance of 1.5 meters and avoid crowds.

"It is not allowed to speak one way or two ways by telephone or in-person throughout the trip using public transportation modes of land, rail, sea, river, lake, ferry and air," reads the provision of letter e in point 2 related to the protocol.

As for eating and drinking, the SE Task Force for COVID-19 clearly states that it is strictly prohibited for passengers on flights that have a travel time of less than 2 hours.

"It is not allowed to eat and drink during the flight journey for a trip that is less than 2 hours, except for individuals who are obliged to take drugs for treatment which if not done can endanger the safety and health of the person," reads letter f in point 2 regarding the protocol. (Full rules can be checked at this link)

Circular Letter of COVID-19 Task Force Number 16 of 2022 regarding the travel of domestic people during the COVID-19 pandemic