Alleged Triumph DeFi Investment Case, Billion Loss Victims Complain To Police

JAKARTA - More and more cases of fraudulent investment are sticking to the surface and claiming victims. Now it's the turn of the Triumph app, which is alleged to have cost its members up to IDR 1.7 billion.

The victims with the initials AR and ZK who claimed to be deceived had reported a case of alleged fraud by one of the Triumph Official officials with the initials L to the Cimahi Police, West Java in early March.

"The perpetrator promised to return the principal invested by the complainant along with interest. However, until the targeted time, the promise could not be fulfilled," the victim told reporters some time ago.

According to the reporter, the investment offered by L is not based on DeFi (Decentralized Finance) or person-to-person smart contracts. But the base is CeFi (Centralized Finance). It turns out that every transaction is regulated by the Triumph Official.

The victim was lured with a profit of 24 percent interest a month. The brochure explains that the 24 percent monthly reward can be exchanged or disbursed through the marketplace, swap with other crypto, buyback by Triumph Official, or person to person. However, in practice the disbursement system was changed and did not benefit the participants who had already invested their money.

As a result, the interest and principal of the investment that can be disbursed are not as promised.

The complainant has no choice but to report to the police.

“We hope that the police will follow up on this case. The public must be careful with Lukman Hakim whether he uses the Triumph business or changes to another name," he said.