Biden's 'COVID-19 Attack' For Trump On The Presidential Debate Stage

JAKARTA - Republican presidential candidate Joe Biden questioned incumbent Donald Trump's health program in the first round of debates. In Joe's eyes, Trump doesn't even have any plans to sustain US public health.

The heated debate was started by the moderator's question, Chris Wallace. He asked both candidates about plans to replace the Affordable Care Act.

Trump attacked Biden, saying Biden was simply adopting the "socialized medicine" of his former Democratic rival Bernie Sanders. After Trump explained his plans for health facilities, Biden responded: He (Trump) has no plans for health care. In fact this man had no clue what he was talking about.

Launching Sky News on Wednesday, September 30, the topic then turned to the COVID-19 outbreak, with Biden questioning Trump's leadership. Biden said Trump showed panic and failure to protect US citizens because he prioritized the economy.

Trump Biden's leadership said that the US was the country worst affected by the pandemic. Biden detailed figures that more than 200,000 people have died, and about 40,000 are still catching COVID-19 every day.

Keep in mind that the US is a country that has the most cases of COVID-19 in the world. "A lot of people died and many more would die unless he got much smarter, much faster," Biden.

Trump rejected what Biden was talking about and offended Biden using the word "smart." "You passed the lowest grade in your class. Don't ever use the word smart with me. Don't ever use that word," Trump said.

"We've done a great job ... But I tell you, Joe, you'll never be able to do the work we do," Trump added.

On that occasion, Trump also rejected Biden's way of comparing the number of US cases with other countries. Trump said his administration has handled the COVID-19 pandemic much better. Trump also promised that a vaccine and COVID-19 treatment for the US population would arrive soon.

"This is China's fault. This should never have happened," Trump said.

Biden also criticized him by insinuating Trump not to continue protecting himself. He asked Trump to come out of his bunker and "off the golf course" to unite Democrats and Republicans. Biden called for Trump to do what needs to be done to save lives.

Trump has fended off criticism of himself rarely wearing masks and drawing thousands to rallies without maintaining social distancing. Trump even said Biden would never be able to attract the crowd like he did. Trump has also repeatedly accused Biden of wanting to shut down the country at the expense of businesses across the country.

"This guy is going to shut down the whole country and destroy the whole country," Trump said.

This first debate starts just five weeks before election time. Biden leads Trump by nearly seven points in national polls, according to a Financial Times analysis of RealClearPolitics averages.

The Democrats also lead in every state, except Iowa, where candidates are in fierce competition. Trump has a slight edge in Georgia, which has not elected a Democrat since Bill Clinton in 1992.Trump also has an edge in Texas, which has not elected a Democratic presidential candidate since Jimmy Carter became a presidential candidate in 1976.