Twitch Stops Paid Channel Upgrades After Spotting Porn Content On Front Page

JAKARTA - In October 2021, Twitch began testing a new feature that allows viewers to pay to boost streamer channels to the site's front page to provide greater exposure.

However, it seemed the experiment was over, at least for now. Launching PC Gamer, there are troublemakers taking advantage of the system to push pornography to the top of the pile.

This paid upgrade was first announced in September 2021. Streamers can also pay to upgrade, effectively making it possible to get their content on the front page of Twitch.

The plan was not universally well-received. Many expressed concern that the system favored channels that were already popular, as they were in a better position to pay for their channels to the top.

A Twitch representative clarified that a program called Paid Boosts ended in late 2021, but a similar new program called Boost Train, which allows viewers to upgrade a channel by buying subscriptions and bits, premiered in early March.

On March 30, users on Twitter and Reddit began paying attention to the live channel on the porn streaming front page. A Twitch representative confirmed that the Boost Train experiment has now been temporarily suspended due to safety-related issues that arose during testing.

A specific reason for the discontinuation was not given, nor did Twitch say whether Boost Train might be returned in some modified form in the future. However, updates to new features that aim to improve channel discoverability will be shared as they become available.