Independent Vaccine Program, Polda Metro Jaya Vaccines The Third Dose Of 50,000 Residents

JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya has vaccinated a third dose or booster (booster) to 50,129 residents since the Merdeka Vaccination program was held on March 25 to 31.

"Freedom Vaccination has vaccinated 50,129 of the original target of only 36,400 residents," said Head of the Merdeka Vaccination Post for Polda Metro Jaya, Kompol Supriyanto in a written statement quoted by Antara, Saturday, April 2.

Supriyanto said the Free Vaccine program, which runs for one week, took place at 36 points in the DKI area.

The mass vaccination point is placed at the center of economic activity so that it is easily accessible to the public.

According to Supriyanto, the enthusiasm of the residents in participating in the booster vaccine program is quite high because people are starting to realize the importance of increasing their immune system during the pandemic.

In addition, residents also want to carry out worship activities during Ramadan and Eid safely and comfortably.

"We want to ensure that people can worship solemnly with other people, armed with booster vaccines," he said.

Even though the Merdeka Vaccination program has ended, his party still urges residents who have not been vaccinated to take vaccinations at outlets provided by the Polda Metro Jaya or the DKI Provincial Government in all sub-districts and villages.

"We hope that all citizens will take part in the mass vaccination program so that they feel safe in their activities during the pandemic," he said.