Legal Expert Says Not All Drug Users Need Rehabilitation

JAKARTA - The Narcotics Policy Reform Network (JRKN) assesses that not all narcotics users need rehabilitation, especially those that are mandatory and based on punishment. comprehensive degrees of severity in the health, social and economic domains to determine appropriate interventions," said Institute for Criminal Justice Reform (ICJR) researcher Maidina Rahmawati in a written statement received in Jakarta, Saturday, April 2. Referring to the World Drug Report 2021, Maidina said that only 13 percent of narcotics users had problems using narcotics, so the data confirms that not all narcotics users require mandatory rehabilitation. In addition, JRKN also provided several notes in response to a working meeting between Commission III of the DPR and the Minister of Law and Human Rights (Menkumham) Yasonna H. Laoly at the Senayan Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Thursday 31 March. capacity (overcrowding) in detention centers and correctional facilities is caused by policies that provide imprisonment for narcotics users. In the meeting with the DPR, the Government provided a solution in the form of legal process rehabilitation, which is punishment-based rehabilitation for narcotics users.

According to JRKN, this solution is not entirely correct because it has the potential to make the problem of excess capacity that previously existed in detention centers and prisons shift to rehabilitation places. "To overcome this problem, JRKN introduced the Health Intervention scheme for Narcotics Users, which supports the narcotics policy reform approach, so that it is in line with the country's constitution that upholds human rights, public health, and harm reduction," he said, quoted by Antara. which is a form of decriminalization of narcotics users in Indonesia, it guarantees that everyone, who is found in possession of or in possession of narcotics in the daily threshold of one to seven days, is not subject to criminal proceedings. They can be sent to an assessment panel at the puskesmas level, which is himself from two health experts from related health facilities and one from the community or addiction counselor, according to him. "This panel will determine what interventions can be given to people who use narcotics," said Maidina.