Mahfud MD Invites Television Stations To Show The Eradication Of Pengkhianatan G30S / PKI Film

JAKARTA - The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD said the government would not prohibit the screening of the film Penumpasan Pengkhianatan G30S / PKI nor oblige all people to watch it.

"So many are asking, whether the screening of the film Penumpasan Pengkhianatan G30S / PKI is allowed or not, I have already said that the screening of the film is permissible. Nobody prohibits it but also does not oblige. So go ahead for the television that feels like broadcasting and has a contract with broadcast rights holders. , please, "said Mahfud in his video statement, Tuesday, September 30.

Apart from using television channels, Mahfud also invited the public to watch on YouTube as well. Because, this film is on the video streaming platform.

The screening of the film will only be prohibited if the screening then creates a crowd, such as watching together. This is because activities that cause crowds like this violate health protocols in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. "It's forbidden," he said.

Furthermore, the former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court said that people are currently free to choose whether to watch the film or not because the policy that requires everyone to do it has been abolished by the Minister of Information, Muhamad Yunus Yosfiah during the era of President BJ Habibie.

"At the beginning of the reformation, the Minister of Information, Yunus Yosfiah, stopped the screening of the film Pengkhianatan G30S / PKI as a necessity. So Yunus Yosfiah at that time gave up that obligation," he said.

"But if it is a voluntary option, it wants to be broadcast on one's own conscience and will, then it is allowed," Mahfud added.

Previously, a number of organizations such as the 212 Alumni Brotherhood (PA) and the Ulama Fatwa Guard National Movement (GNPF) which are members of the Anti-Communist National Alliance or the NKRI CHILDREN will hold activities to watch the film G30SPKI together. They plan to hold the Nobar on 30 September.

PA 212 Chairperson Slamet Ma'arif added that his party would carry out this activity nationally at musala and taklim mosques in each region. He said this activity would continue to implement the COVID-19 health protocol.

"We will carry out the Nobar nationally in mosques, in prayer rooms, in majelis taklim, in other places in each region. So it is not focused on one area and we still have to maintain the COVID-19 protocol. That remains our reference, right? , "said Slamet at a press conference.

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In response to this, the National Police emphasized that they would not issue permits for crowds during the COVID-19 pandemic. This affirmation was conveyed in response to a number of organizations that plan to hold together the film G30SPKI at the end of September 2020.

Karo Penmas, Public Relations Division of the National Police, Brigadier General Awi Setiyono, said that the crowd was not given permission to crowd because they considered the safety of the community. Moreover, this activity will provoke crowds and the potential for transmission of COVID-19

"What is clear is that the National Police will not issue permits for crowds. Remember that the safety of the souls of the community is paramount and this is still during the COVID-19 pandemic," Awi told reporters, Monday, September 28.

However, said Awi, the decision not to issue a crowd permit was not because the National Police had prohibited the public from watching the film. But more about safety. In fact, it is recommended that if you still want to watch the film, it's better to do it at home.

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