No More Wild Animals In The Traveling Circus In France

JAKARTA - French Environment Minister Barbara Pompili has banned traveling circuses using wild animals. He emphasized that wild animals such as bears, tigers, lions, elephants, and others will not be in the traveling circus for years to come.

"It's time to open a new era in our relationship with these (wild) animals," said Pompili, quoted by the Associated Press, Tuesday, September 29.

Pompili added that the ban was part of France's efforts to keep wild animals safe. Moreover, the policy owner has issued a regulation so that three marine parks in France can no longer bring or breed dolphins and whales for the needs of a traveling circus.

As for the date of the ban itself, Pompili gave no further details. However, he just said it would be done as soon as possible. He also promised to find solutions for workers who earn coffers of income from a traveling circus.

Previously, the French government had set aside a fund of 9.2 million dollars or the equivalent of Rp136 billion to help those who work in traveling circuses and marine parks. These efforts were made so that they could find other jobs.

"The transition will last several years, because it will change the lives of many people," he said.

However, the ban does not apply to permanent performances at zoos. Along with the ban, later the French government will also close mink farms as a measure to protect animals. Which is, the mink is kept only for its fur.