National Police Chief: South Sumatra Cooking Oil Producers Get 1,400 Ton Quota From Central Government

PALEMBANG - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo reminded cooking oil producers in South Sumatra (Sumsel) to get an additional production quota from the central government, which is targeted at 1.4 thousand tons per month.

"This cooking oil producer received a production quota from the Ministry of Industry (Ministry of Industry) of 1.4 thousand tons for April, from previously only 560 tons of cooking oil per month," said National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo after directly inspecting one of the cooking oil factories in Indonesia. Jalan Palembang-Sekayu KM 14, Palembang, quoted by Antara from a written statement, Friday, April 1.

According to Listyo, the government hopes that the given target can be fulfilled by producers so that the cooking oil needs of the people of South Sumatra during the holy month of Ramadan 1443 H/2022 AD will still be fulfilled.

"We hope that the production of the target given by the Ministry of Industry can actually be met by producers, especially bulk cooking oil," he said.

The National Police Chief appealed to cooking oil producers to also speed up the distribution flow from distributors to markets, so that people can get oil easily without having to stand in long queues, as has happened recently.

One of the reasons for the long queue was the slow and uneven distribution of bulk cooking oil to the public.

Because from observations, said the National Police Chief, producers can produce bulk cooking oil which reaches 120 thousand tons per week, with that it should be enough to meet the needs of the people in South Sumatra.

“I ask the Regional Police Chief and his staff to guard him so that the distribution of bulk cooking oil can be optimal and no community will have any more difficulties. It is hoped that in the next one week the distribution can be repaired immediately," he said.