TNI Commander Asked To Make Concrete Anti-Discrimination Policy

JAKARTA - Military observer Anton Aliabbas asked the TNI Commander General Andika Perkasa to make concrete policies as a form of institutionalizing anti-discrimination attitudes within the TNI.

The head of the Center for Intermestic and Diplomatic Engagement (CIDE) said this was in response to the TNI Commander's decision to allow descendants of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) to register for TNI soldiers.

"This is important to do in order to avoid any allegations of 'lip service' or a mere ad-hoc decision," said Anton, quoted by Antara, Friday, April 1.

According to him, there are several reasons why this provision has a strong impression of discrimination.

First, the descendants must bear the brunt of the actions taken by their predecessors, which is an over-interpretation of TAP MPRS XXV/1966.

The MPRS decree explicitly prohibits the organization of the PKI and the activity of spreading the teachings of communism.

"There is not a single sentence that states that PKI followers are prohibited from doing activities or joining government institutions," said Anton.

Second, he continued, the ban on descendants from joining the TNI only applies to the PKI, while when it comes to the rebellion in Indonesia, there are many such as DI/TII, PRRI/Permesta, etc.

Third, the prohibition of offspring also has the potential to violate human rights and the 1945 Constitution because not all citizens are equal before the law and have the same opportunity to get decent work.

"No human being can choose which family to be born into. Therefore, the step of imposing descendants for the actions of their predecessors does not have a strong legal basis," he explained.

Concerning the infiltration of communism ideology that may be carried by descendants, it is perfectly legal. In fact, the TNI cannot limit it to certain ideologies that can pose a threat to military professionalism.

"In this context, of course, the TNI has its own mechanism and standard in selecting soldiers who have a high level of love for the nation and state," said Anton.

He added, if you look further, the communist ideology has failed to develop, both at the national and international levels. Meanwhile, other threats, such as religious radicalism based on an understanding of religious conservatism, have increased significantly recently.

In this context, said Anton, it is important that the TNI Commander General Andika Perkasa make a policy of periodic evaluation of the selection mechanism, including the National Insight Test owned by the TNI.

"This is important to do to continue to contextualize contemporary threats faced by the TNI as an organization. Sensitivity to the development of current threats will contribute to the development of TNI professionalism," he said.