Dare To Fake Jusuf Kalla's Signature, Arief Rosyid Fired From DMI Management And Replaced By Former BRI Director Asmawi Sam

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Mosque Council (DMI) has taken firm action to fire the Head of the DMI Economic Department Arief Rosyid for falsifying the signatures of DMI General Chair Jusuf Kalla and DMI Secretary General Imam Addaruqutni. journalists in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Friday, April 1. The plenary meeting was held from 09.30-11.15 WIB Friday, and was chaired by General Chairman Jusuf Kalla, Deputy General Chairperson Syafruddin, KH Masdar F Masudi and Secretary General Imam Addaruqutni. He continued, the meeting was in tandem with Ramadan coordination. Present at this meeting were the heads of fields and the deputy secretary general as well as the general treasurer.
In the plenary meeting, it was decided that Arif Rosyid should be fired from the DMI management. According to Imam, Arief Rosyid's position has been replaced by former BRI Director Asmawi Sam. "For violating the DMI organizational regulations by falsifying the signatures of the General Chair and Secretary General of the DMI PP and DMI's stamp by sending a letter to the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia without permission from the General Chair and Secretary General of PP. DMI," he explained. Furthermore, according to him, all actions taken by Arif Rosyid must not use or carry the name PP DMI anymore. Then, he continued, DMI itself made sure not to take part in the Ramadan Festival activities as intended in the letter with the signature signed Forged by Arief Rosyid. It is known that Arief Rosyid forged the signatures of the Chairman and Secretary General of DMI in a letter related to the Ramadan Festival Kickoff Invitation agenda to Vice President Ma'ruf Amin. Letter numbered 060.III/SUP/PP-DMI/A/III/2022 , containing an invitation to the vice president to attend the Ramadan Festival simultaneously throughout Indonesia. fasting together, and various activities during the whole month of Ramadan.