KSP Emphasizes The State Must Protect Indonesian Citizens Working Abroad

JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko emphasized that the state continues to provide equal protection rights for every Indonesian migrant worker (PMI), both procedural and non-procedural. "Whether PMI is procedural or non-procedural, everything must be protected. )," said Moeldoko in a coordination meeting related to the protection of PMIs working in Singapore, Friday April 1. provide protection for PMI. This coordination meeting related to PMI follows many PMIs in Singapore who run away from their employers due to various problems, such as salary problems, disharmony relations, failure to communicate, mastery of language, to legal issues. According to the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore , of the total PMI that It was recorded that they experienced these problems, as many as 75 percent were non-procedural PMI. Non-procedural PMI was defined as PMI whose departure and placement were not through official channels. said that they did not go through official channels. Once they arrived in Singapore, they were accepted by the agency and declared as official PMIs. "This makes the government less flexible in handling them because their whereabouts are not recorded at the Ministry of Manpower," said Moeldoko. .

Regarding the departure of non-procedural PMI, Moeldoko revealed that the relevant ministries/institutions have made maximum efforts to mitigate this. , admitted Moeldoko, these efforts have not been able to minimize the surge in the number of non-procedural PMIs to several countries, especially Singapore. Moeldoko encourages the active role of various parties, including the private sector and the public, so that PMIs depart through official channels or with procedural status. "KSP also encourages Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) to involve local governments, starting from the province, district/city, to the village level, to participate in monitoring and recording data, especially in PMI pockets," said Moeldoko.