Bareskrim Call Inspector General Napoleon Pretend Not To Know Joko Tjandra's Red Notice Status

JAKARTA - Bareskrim Polri revealed that Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte had known that Joko Soegiarto Tjandra's red notice had been deleted since 2019. However, it seemed that Napoleon did not know it because he was suspected of having received a bribe to remove the red notice .

"Because Divhubinter is connected to the system in Lyon, France," said the Bareskrim legal team at the pretrial hearing of Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte at the South Jakarta District Court, Tuesday, September 29.

The involvement of Inspector General Napoleon went even further because it helped remove Joko S. Tjandra's name from the wanted list (DPO) in the Indonesian Immigration system. This was done by ordering his subordinates to write to the Deputy Attorney General for Development at the Attorney General's Office

"The Petitioner ordered AKBP Tommy Arya to produce several letters related to red notice signed by NCB Secretary General Pol Nugroho Slamet Wibowo until the DPO status was removed," he said.

Letter addressed to the Attorney General's Office of the Republic of Indonesia relating to confirmation of red notice status. The official letter numbered NCB-DivHI / Fax / 529 / IV / 2020.

The facsimile letter dated April 14 2020 was the starting point for the case. This is because the issuance of the letter was not related to Napoleon's main duties and functions as Head of the International Relations Division of the Police.

"Because it is not in the interests of Div Hubinter to take care of red notice on personal behalf. However, only for the benefit of investigators or government agencies," he said.

After obtaining information regarding the status of the red notice , Inspector General NapoleoN asked Joko Tjandra's wife, Anna Boentaran, to make a letter requesting Napoleon to revoke the red notice on behalf of Joko Soegiarto Tjandra.

It was with the argument of the request letter that Inspector General Napoleon issued letters addressed to the Director General of Immigration at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights regarding Joko Tjandra's red notice .

"That is precisely where the applicant's consistency opens to personally help Joko Soegiarto Tjandra," he said.

In this case, Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte was named a suspect suspected of being the recipient of bribes. He was charged with Article 5 Paragraph 2, Article 11 and Article 12 letters a and b of Law Number 20 of 2020 concerning Corruption (Tipikor) in conjunction with Article 55 of the Criminal Code.

In the bribery case, investigators confiscated US $ 20 thousand, cellphones , including CCTV, as evidence.