Patients Recovering From COVID-19 In East Kalimantan Increase By 170 People

SAMARINDA - Cases of recovering COVID-19 patients in East Kalimantan Province (Kaltim) still dominate in the daily case update, Thursday, March 31, namely an additional 170 people were declared cured, while only 45 people were confirmed positive. Spokesperson for the Provincial COVID-19 Task Force East Kalimantan Andi Muhammad Ishak said additional recovered cases occurred in a number of areas, including Balikpapan 53 people, Bontang 31, Berau 24, Kutai Kartanegara 19, East Kutai 15, Samarinda 11, Penajam Paser Utara 8, Paser 7 , and West Kutai 2 people. "Meanwhile additional positive confirmed cases occurred in Balikpapan 12 people, East Kutai 11 people, North Penajam Paser 8 people, Berau 7 people, Samarinda 5 people, Paser 2 people, and Bontang 1 person," said Andi Muhammad Ishak in Samarinda quoted by Antara.Andi added that one person died, bringing the total number of deaths due to COVID-19 in Indonesia. The East Kalimantan region reached 5,681 people. He emphasized that although there was a decline in cases, the status of the area in East Kalimantan had not changed, namely the two areas of Samarinda and Mahakam Ulu were still in the COVID-19 yellow zone status. The three regions were East Kutai, North Penajam Paser and Paser is in the orange zone status, while five regions namely Balikpapan, West Kutai, Kutai Kartanegara, Berau and Bontang still remain in the red zone.

According to Andi, the decrease in cases has resulted in fewer patients undergoing treatment. Currently, the total number of COVID-19 patients who are still undergoing treatment is 864 people. "The highest number of patients being treated is in West Kutai with a total of 297 people, and the least number of patients being treated is in Mahakam Ulu, which is only 7 people," Andi said. hopes that the community will respond wisely to the condition of this case decline, namely by continuing to carry out health protocols in daily activities. said Andi Muhammad Ishak.