Warganet Hunted For Reynhard Sinaga's Instagram Account

JAKARTA - Reynhard Sinaga, who has a personal Instagram account @ reynhardsinaga93, has to lock his Instagram account due to being blasphemed by warganet. The reason is that this man's name is exactly the same as an Indonesian citizen (WNI) who was the perpetrator of the rape of hundreds of men in Manchester, namely, Reynhard Tambos Maruli Tua Sinaga or better known as Reynhard Sinaga.
We found this story about Reynhard on a Twitter account that uploaded a screenshot of the conversation @ reynhardsinaga93. Reynhard is sambat because he is equated with Reynhard's sex predator in England there.
be patient lae, you are not alone pic.twitter.com/LiQnOZrZA0
- Jack VaIentine (@JackVaIentine) January 7, 2020
Armed with the screenshot, VOI reporter looked for an account belonging to @ reynhardsinaga93. The account exists, but it is locked. We also tried to contact him via direct message service.
"Yes, it's true (thought Reynhard was the perpetrator of the rape) and many commented on me and the photos I posted," Reynhard said when contacted by VOI on Tuesday, January 7.
Negative comments were received at around 20.00 WIB, Monday, January 6. When he opened Instagram, he was shocked because so many netizens had blasphemed him. Initially, he did not know the reason why the warganet was so angry.
"When netizens commented, I didn't know at first and I commented on it as well. However, after I read trending on Twitter and read it all, it turned out that all of the netizens invaded my personal account because they had the same name (as the perpetrator)," he said.
After being continuously blasphemed by citizens, this 26-year-old man immediately locked his personal Instagram account on Tuesday, January 7 at around 17.00 WIB.
Even though he was blasphemed and made him lock his personal account, Reynhard admitted that he could only be patient and laugh at the behavior of netizens.
"I can only be patient and laugh at the behavior of Indonesian netizens. It's funny and makes smiles," he said.
Previously, Reynhard made headlines in the British media for having committed 159 cases of rape and sexual assault against men. In which 48 victims of them, have even been raped many times and recorded a shameful history.
"Reynhard Sinaga is the most prolific rapist in British history," said North West Deputy Attorney Ian Rushton, as quoted by The Guardian.
Even though he was found guilty, the man who came to England on a student visa did not admit his actions. He argued, his victims enjoyed the act of his lecherous act. However, this statement was rejected out of hand by four jury courts in a court of Manchester, England.
Reynhard's lecherous act was carried out in an apartment. The target victims are young men who are experiencing difficulties such as losing their ATM cards, running out of smartphone batteries, or just needing a place to stay overnight.
The police said that the predatory behavior of the man who was born on February 19, 1983 began to be revealed in 2017. Manchester Police even said that Reynhard was very skilled at tricking when carrying out his lecherous acts.
The official from the special crimes unit, Manchester Police, Mabs Hussain, even called Reynhard's act of serial rape as "the largest rape case in British legal history".
"Reynhard Sinaga is a lecherous individual, looking to target vulnerable men who get drunk after a night out," he added.