Indonesian Navy Finds 5.5 Tons Of Undocumented Kerosene In West Manggarai

LABUAN BAJO - Labuan Bajo TNI AL Base personnel found 5.5 tons of kerosene type fuel oil without official documents transported by a ship in the waters of Rangko Cave, Tanjung Boleng Village, West Manggarai, NTT.

"Information that is asked of the people of Boleng, will be brought from Labuan Bajo to Sape," said the Commander of the Labuan Bajo Navy Base, Lieutenant Colonel (P) Roni, during a press conference at the Pelni Port of Labuan Bajo, in Labuan Bajo. , March 31.

The 5.5 tons or 5,500 liters of kerosene were divided into 279 jerry cans of kerosene and were found in a 12 meter white wooden boat at 10.00 WITA. The Indonesian Navy personnel do not yet know the owner of the kerosene.

Roni explained that the findings began with a report from his subordinates who suspected the loading and unloading activities of the jerry cans-filled ship at 04.00 WITA.

Nine Indonesian Navy personnel approached the ship and investigated the initial stages of the location and found the incident. However, the condition of the sea water receded so that the patrol boats could not approach. After the situation was conducive, they approached the scene. However, their arrival was noticed by the crew who eventually jumped into the sea and disappeared.

Roni said he did not pursue them because his personnel were focused on confiscation of the evidence.

After confiscating the evidence, they then handed over the official report to the West Manggarai Police for further investigation. "We have to prevent it, otherwise it will happen continuously and harm the people of West Manggarai and Sape," he said.