Palembang Grand Mosque Await Rules For Implementation Of Worship From The Ministry Of Religion

PALEMBANG - Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin I Jayo Wikramo Grand Mosque Foundation Palembang, South Sumatra is still waiting for instructions from the government, especially the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) regarding the implementation of worship during the holy month of Ramadan 1443H/2022M which falls in April. Circulars from the Ministry of Religion, City/Provincial Governments, regarding how worship will be carried out in the mosque, whether there will be changes or what it is, I don't know yet," said Chairman of the Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin I Great Mosque Foundation, Kgs Sarnubi in Palembang, Thursday, March 31. According to Sarnubi, The Great Mosque Foundation suggested to the Ministry of Religion, the government and related religious autonomous bodies to immediately determine what the regulations for worship are, considering that the month of Ramadan is already a matter of days. the community," he said, quoted by Antara Even so, said Sarnubi, people can worship such as the obligatory five daily prayers, Friday sunnah prayers and normal recitations at the Great Mosque. Where, during the worship service, the Great Mosque Foundation applies the rules instructed by the previous government, such as requiring the congregation to wear masks. , set saf during prayer and recitation.

"If there is a change in regulations and it does not violate religious law, we will certainly implement it," he said. Meanwhile, the Mayor of Palembang Harnojoyo said, in general the government has allowed the implementation of worship such as tarawih prayers, tadarus, tabligh, or the five daily prayers in congregation in mosques widely by the community. This certainty, he continued, was obtained based on the results of coordination with the Chair of the COVID-19 Handling and Economic Recovery Committee (KPCPEN) Airlangga Hartanto some time ago. As a record, the implementation is still being monitored," he added. According to Harnojoyo, the COVID-19 Task Force team at the sub-district level was directed to carry out the supervision directly to the field accompanied by TNI/Polri officers and the local Satpol-PP, so that worship continued in an orderly manner.