Allegedly Harassing Student, One Of The Staff At UMT Fired, Chancellor: We Guard It Until The Legal Field

TANGERANG - One of the staff at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) was fired from the University of Muhammadiyah Tangerang (UMT) for allegedly sexually harassing a student.

Responding to the incident, UMT Chancellor Ahmad Amarullah said that the suspect with the initials SB was given a dismissal because of the alleged harassment of a student with the initials AR.

Amarullah said that the incident occurred on February 4, 2022. The case was revealed after the victim told her parents and finally reported it to the campus.

"To give punishment in the form of permanent and dishonorable dismissal to the person concerned (SB) as a suspected perpetrator of sexual harassment," Ahmad told reporters at UMT, Tangerang City, Wednesday, March 30.

Regarding the legal process, Amarullah left everything to the victim. Because, continued Amarullah, his party only accompanied the case until the alleged perpetrator was dismissed.

"Regarding this, we leave it to the victims, our nature is only to assist. If the victim really wants to go to court, we will escort him to the legal realm," he explained.

To get rid of the trauma, said Amarullah, to facilitate the victims to get counseling and psychologists.

"Yes, for psychologists, and counseling is borne by the campus. If the victim needs it (legal process), then report it," he said.

On that occasion, Amurullah explained that SB was not a lecturer in theater courses.

Based on the decision letter (SK) of the UMT Foundation Number 133 of 2017, SB was appointed as the theater laboratory staff of FKIP UMT as of February 6, 2017.

"The second is about lecturer reporting, the person concerned is not a lecturer, but the theater laboratory staff that we have," he said

"In accordance with the decree from the foundation on Number 133 of 2017, regarding the appointment of educational staff at UMT, he appointed the concerned person as a theater laboratory staff of FKIP UMT as of February 6, 2017," he added.

Caption: UMT Chancellor Ahmad Amarullah explains about SB lecturers who are suspected of harassing their students, Wednesday, March 30