Trial Of Sexual Violence Cases Involving Inactive Dean Of FISIP Unri Syafri Harto Postponed, Komahi Unri Submits Amicus Curiae

JAKARTA - The Student Corps of International Relations (Komahi) of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Riau University (Unri) submitted Amicus Curiae from the Institute for Criminal Justice Reform (ICJR) related to cases of sexual violence on campus to the Pekanbaru District Court.

"We hope that the Amicus Curiae can assist the judge as an additional reference needed in deciding this case," said Komahi Unri member Muhammad Farhan in a statement received in Jakarta, Antara, Wednesday, March 30.

Amicus Curiae is a legal opinion from a party who has an interest in a case to court. He thanked ICJR for compiling the Amicus Curiae for the sexual violence case involving the inactive Dean of FISIP Unri, Syafri Harto as a defendant.

"Of course we are grateful to ICJR for being willing to prepare the Amicus Curiae for this case," said Farhan.

Komahi Unri and other students who were guarding the case were disappointed with the postponement of the verdict. However, he hopes that the judge will really consider carefully and fairly for survivors of sexual violence, by punishing the defendant to the fullest.

"We will continue to come to guard this trial even if it has to be postponed a thousand times, as a form of our solidarity with survivors of sexual violence, that he is not alone," he stressed.

Komahi Unri handed over the Amicus Curiae because the trial for the decision on the sexual violence case at Unri was delayed from what was supposed to be held on Tuesday, 29 March.

The decision was postponed because the judge felt that he still needed time to determine the case's decision. The judge also said that his party still needed more references to be able to issue a decision.

Based on this, Komhai Unri handed over the Amicus Curiae, which had been prepared by ICJR, to the Pekanbaru District Court regarding cases of sexual violence on the campus. Komahi Unri handed over five copies of the Amicus Curiae to the panel of judges, the head of the Pekanbaru District Court, and the clerk of the case.

In the Amicus Curiae, there is a request to the judge to impose a proportional punishment, in accordance with the defendant's actions and fulfill the elements of Article 289 or 294 paragraph (2) of the Criminal Code (KUHP).

In addition, the Amicus Curiae also provides a gender analysis in accordance with Supreme Court Regulation Number 3 of 2017, so that it can assist judges in their considerations, not blaming or cornering the victim, and the panel of judges can reject the defense of the defendant's legal counsel who explores the victim's life history with narratives. humiliate the victim.

Judges are also expected to understand violence which must be interpreted carefully. Although it does not take place physically, the violence is psychological violence for the victim.

The Amicus Curiae also explained the imbalance in power relations between the victim and the defendant, who is the Dean of FISIP Unri.