A Non-married Couple Who Were Caught Alone At The Aceh Bener Meriah Inn Were Whipped

BANDA ACEH - The Bener Meriah District Prosecutor's Office has issued a verdict of caning against a non-married couple and a provider of accommodation for the couple.

The head of the Bener Meriah District Attorney's Office, Agus Suroto in Redelong, said that the three convicts of whipping were a non-marriage couple, AW (26), a resident of Pidie Jaya Regency and NQ (27) a resident of Central Aceh Regency.

Meanwhile, another person is M (40) as a provider of lodging for the two non-married couples in Bener Meriah.

"AW and NQ were each sentenced to lashes 13 times, after being deducted from their 100-day detention period. Meanwhile, M received 17 lashes, also after the detention period was reduced," Agus said as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, March 29.

He explained that the convicts had violated Aceh Qanun Number 6 of 2014 concerning the Jinayat Law.

The non-muhrim couple AW and NQ were arrested by the Bener Meriah Satpol PP while being alone at M's inn on December 19, 2021.