Together With The Kemenkopolhukam, The Corruption Eradication Commission Will Observe The Use Of The State Budget

JAKARTA - After visiting the office of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK), five leaders of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) then visited the office of the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menkopolhukam) Mahfud MD.

After holding a closed meeting, together with the Kemenkopolhukam, the KPK will work together to oversee state finances, including projects that use the state budget to be free from fraud and corruption.

"Anyone who messes with the state's state finance APBN project and corruption will be seriously fought, whoever will be brushed off," Mahfud said during a press conference at the Kemenkopolhukam Office, Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, January 7.

To do this, anti-corruption institutions will be strengthened and synergized with the Attorney General's Office and the Police, which are under the Kemenkopolhukam. In addition, the KPK will also work together with Saber Pungli, who cracks down on the practice of extortion.

"We agreed earlier with Pak Firli to strengthen each other (synergy)," he said.

On that occasion, Mahfud also spoke about the negative issues that attacked the five KPK leaders for the 2019-2023 period. The former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK) said that the leadership of anti-graft institutions would continue to work even though their leadership was deemed despicable.

"I recorded two very poetic sentences from the KPK, namely, we will work hard to fight against corruption and we will do our best, although maybe no one thinks we are good. So he doesn't care what is important for work," Mahfud said imitating the statement. five leaders during the closed meeting that lasted almost an hour.

In line with Mahfud, KPK chairman Firli Bahuri also said that the institution he leads is focused on providing escort to national programs. He also said that if there was a failure in the program and it was suspected that it was due to corruption, the KPK would not hesitate to intervene.

"If someone does something that causes the project and program to fail in order to realize the goals of the country, surely we will take measures that are measured in accordance with the applicable law," said Firli.

In addition, in a closed meeting with the Menkopolhukam, Firli said he had outlined the focus and actions to be carried out in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 54 of 2018.

He also emphasized that currently eradicating corruption does not only focus on prosecution but also prevention. So that in the future, he promised that the prevention process would continue to be improved by this anti-graft agency.

"Eradicating corruption is not just prioritizing prosecution but also must be followed by improved prevention," said Firli, adding that legal action by the KPK would continue to be professional and accountable.