Megawati Soekarnoputri's Hobby Of Cooking Is Inherited From Her Mother, Fatmawati

JAKARTA - Megawati Soekarnoputri is known as a person who loves to cook. Megawati's cooking skills were acquired from her mother, Fatmawati. Whenever her mother cooks, Megawati is often involved. Her mother's passion for cooking also spread to Megawati.

Cooking is his hobby in his spare time. In fact, the habit of cooking is still dilakoninya when holding important positions. From the Vice President to the President of the Republic of Indonesia. He also often cooks himself for political guests. Food diplomacy, he said.

Cooking has been a part of Fatmawati's life since she was a teenager. He is good at managing kitchen spices into high-flavored dishes. Therefore, Fatmawati's creativity in the cooking world is admired by many people.

He never once left the habit of cooking. Even so, she already has the status of First Lady. Her conscience was always moved to dedicate herself to her husband, Soekarno. Fatmawati often cooks her own food for her family.

Megawati Soekarnoputri cooks with Prabowo Subianto in Kebagusan, South Jakarta on July 7, 2009. (ANTARA)

He really understood every dish that was Bung Karno's favorite. These include bamboo shoot lodeh, rendang, fish balado, pecel, fried tempeh, catfish sauce, gado-gado, fried anchovies, yellow fish, cassava leaf paste, and others.

His conscience was also called when Indonesia entered a period of revolution. He did not want to stay silent waiting for the revolution to end at the Yogyakarta Presidential Palace. Fatmawati automatically took the initiative to help the struggle of the Indonesian people. He devoted himself to working in a soup kitchen.

She did the job without thinking about her status as First Lady. He was involved himself in searching for materials. He also cooks food that can be used as a provision for freedom fighters who are fighting at the forefront. His efforts were rewarded. His cooking was successful for freedom fighters not to starve on the battlefield.

“Together with the mothers who worked in the kitchen, I also cooked, as requested to be sent to the front. I intend to cook rendang, because rendang can last a long time. At first I asked a maid for help. I thought he wanted to be sent to the market to buy meat, but I got an answer that disappoints my heart.”

"On the grounds that there are no cars. Without thinking I got dressed, then I told to call a gig, then I went to the market alone. To buy meat I asked the coachman for help. I left without a bodyguard. It's my nature, when people don't respond to my good intentions, then I dare to act alone, "said Fatmawati in the book Small Notes with Bung Karno (2016).

Megawati's Special Schedule

Every day when cooking, Fatmawati often involves her daughter, Megawati. Fatmawati gives a variety of roles for her children in processing dishes from a young age. Sometimes Megawati is asked to find spices. Sometimes also help cut vegetables. Gradually Fatmawati's teaching to know the world of cooking to her children succeeded. Fatmawati's hobby in cooking passed down to Megawati.

Megawati also grew into a person who loves to cook. Every chance she gets, Megawati often cooks delicious food herself. Soekarno was often amazed by the child's food. This passion continued until Megawati became an important person. One of them, when Megawati accompanied President Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) as Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia.

Bung Karno's daughter has a special schedule for cooking herself: Wednesday morning. His mouthwatering dishes are often served to entertain his political colleagues. Those who usually attend breakfast at Megawati's residence are certainly not random people. From ministers, national police chiefs, TNI commanders, to the president. He calls it diplomacy, but through the medium of food. While journalists often refer to it as political breakfast.

Megawati Soekarnoputri when she was sworn in as President of the Republic of Indonesia on July 23, 2001. (Wikimedia Commons)

He even memorized the favorite foods of his guests. Even if Megawati forgets, she will ask directly for the reference to the dishes to be made next week. Gus Dur's request for food, for example. The leader of the Indonesian Struggle Party of Struggle (PDI-P) had memorized Gus Dur's favorite food.

“When the official talks are over, right before we disband, Mbak Mega usually relaxes again and asks for the breakfast menu the following week. Mbak Mega asked: Mas Dur what do you want for breakfast next week; What's Soto, Timlo Rice, Hainanese Rice, Rawon Rice? Before Gus Dur answered, it was usually Army Chief of Staff E. Sutarto who replied: "Just gudeg rice, ma'am."

"Oh, yes, I haven't eaten Hainanese rice in a long time, Ma'am. Just Hainanese rice, yes," said Gus Dur, correcting the Army Chief of Staff's suggestion. And, the following week, Mbak Mega did serve Hainanese rice as the main menu for breakfast, according to the message 'Mas Dur'. it," concluded Mahfud MD in Gus Dur's book: Islam, Politics, and Nationality (2010).

Those are some of the habits of Megawati Soekarnoputri, the President of the Republic of Indonesia who loves to cook.