Two Students Who Break Through And Persecute Car Drivers At JLNT Casablanca, Named As Suspects

JAKARTA - The police have named 2 suspects out of 12 teenagers who were detained by the South Jakarta Metro Police in connection with the assault on the Casablanca Non-Toll Flyover (JLNT), South Jakarta. The two people are students, MA (18) and E (18).

"(We) have determined the suspects, namely brothers MA and E and are being detained," said Head of the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Ridwan Soplanit when met at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Tuesday, March 29.

Ridwan said the role of the two suspects was to hit and damage the victim's 4-wheeled vehicle. This is the basis for MH and E to be named as suspects.

"It started with an argument, then stopped by the side of the road, then two people beat the victim and some of the victim's vehicle," he said.

Meanwhile, the 10 teenagers have the status of witnesses. It is still being investigated for questioning.

"They have given testimony for further examination," he said.

For his actions, the Supreme Court was charged with Article 170 of the Criminal Code on violence with a sentence of 5 years in prison.

Previously, it was reported that the police arrested 12 people suspected of beating the car driver on the Casablanca Non-Toll Flyover (JLNT), South Jakarta.

After being investigated, it turned out that the perpetrators were residents of North Jakarta who were desperate to break through JLNT Casablanca.

South Jakarta Metro Police Ranmor Head AKP Rifaizal Samual said that out of a dozen people were arrested, 10 of them were minors.

"There are 12 people, 10 of whom are still students and underage," said Rifaizal when confirmed, Monday, March 28.

For information, a video of a viral commotion on the latest @Jabodetabek. Instagram account. Motorcycle riders got into an argument with car drivers after being reminded that motorbikes were not allowed to cross JLNT Casablanca on Friday, March 18, last.